Sanjay Kumar Shukla Vs. Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd. & Ors.
Civil Appeal Nos. 1871-1872 of 2014 Special Leave Petition (C) Nos. 17673-17674 of 2012-Decided on 7-2-2014.
High Court has directed that the respondent No.7 herein who was placed at serial No.2 of the select list/merit panel for award of dealership of retail outlet under the respondent No.1, i.e. M/s. Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd., be offered the said dealership after completing the process contemplated under the selection procedure in force in the Corporation. …. We have felt it necessary to reiterate the need of caution sounded by this Court in the decisions referred to hereinabove in view of the serious consequences that the entertainment of a writ petition in contractual matters, unless justified by public interest, can entail….. We have already indicated that the present litigation initiated by Respondent No. 7 does not constitute a very bonafide exercise on the part of the said Respondent and the entire litigation appears to have been driven by desire to deny the fruits of the selection in which the appellant was found to be the most eligible candidate. Whether the outlet is operated by the appellant or the Respondent No. 7 is of no consequence to the ultimate beneficiaries of the service to be offered by the said outlet. …. these appeals are more