
  • INBA’s Academic-Internship Tour To Europe June 2020

      Indian National Bar Association (INBA) has successfully organized International academic tours to Washington, New York, Los Angeles, Boston, London, Stockholm, Mariehamn, and Copenhagen It gives us immense pleasure to plan our next chapter of the International internship tour in Europe and International Call for Paper. In this Internship Tour, we will be covering Switzerland, […]


    This year Indian National Bar Association took another step forward along with its advancements and applauded success in the legal serving field. INBA’s theme for World Environment Day 2018 was “Reuse, Recycle: Let the Plastic Cry” INBA believes in a greener tomorrow, a plastic-free environment and a nation filled with youth who believes in this […]

  • Bizarre draft of “Geo-spatial Information Regulation Bill, 2016”

    The article is written to understand the complexity of recently proposed Draft of “Geo-spatial information regulation Bill, 2016” which has been introduced in public domain to seeking public comments, and facing criticism upon text used in the draft as substantially seems unpractical. At present in India, all the concerns & issues are regulated by official […]

  • Law should be enacted for appointment and procedure od AMICUS CURIAE in India as an Effective Dispute Settlement Mechanismb

    INTRODUCTION This article may clarify the envisaged of government to provide the better justice to public at large in adequate time, although millions of cases are pending before court across India, but how the justice to be delivered and cases to be disposed off is the question, at average it takes six year to deliver […]

  • Deportation or Removal – An analysis under Immigration rules

    When we come across the Act and Rules such a difficult task to understand and being a layman, it is very difficult to understand the complexity of Deportation under Immigration Rules across world. a profound analysis is to be described so as to layman can understand about the legal provision, there are different rules of […]

  • Global Corporate Governance- Concept and Issues

    Introduction Corporate governance is the set of processes, customs, policies, laws, and institutions affecting the way a corporation (or company) is directed, administered or controlled. Corporate governance also includes the relationships among the many stakeholders involved and the goals for which the corporation is governed. In contemporary business corporations, the main external stakeholder groups are […]

  • Menace – Noise Pollution in India

    Introduction Ostensibly in India, Noise Pollution is one of the major environmental concerns, the major sources of noise pollution are: vehicular traffic, industries, household instruments, loudspeakers, etc. The control measures include silencer in vehicles, precautions during establishment of industries e.g. better technology adoption; use of ear plugs , etc. for workers; minimising the use of […]

  • An Analysis of ” The Arbitration and Conciliation (Amendment) Act,2015″

    INTRODUCTION This article is an attempt at understanding of pros and cons of “The Arbitration and Conciliation (Amendment) Act, 2015 “, it is an efforts by Government of India to improve the ease of doing business in India. The Government of India Promulgated the Arbitration and Conciliation (Amendment) Ordinance, 2015 amending certain provisions of the […]

  • Comparative Study of Amicus Curiae

    INTRODUCTION A Comparative study of amicus curiae is the study of differences and similarities between the laws of different countries. More specifically, it involves study of the different existing legal systems in the world, including the common law, the civil law, It includes the description and analysis of foreign legal systems, even where no explicit […]

  • The 1988 Amendments to the water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1947

    CONSTITUTIONAL ASPECT CONCERNING ENVIRONMENT India is the first country to provide constitutional protection to the environment. Originally, it did not contain any specific provision for such protection and promotion of environment. In 1972, UN Conference on human environment at Stockholm was held. Like other countries, India also participated in the said conference. In this conference […]

  • Role and Limitation of Amicus Curiae

    INTRODUCTION This article is mainly concerned with the Role and Limitation of amicus curiae. We have plotted the below two legal rules of amicus curiae, how it’s effective as dispute mechanism which enacted through law. In Current Scenario, Amicus Curiae under international law in general, are being enforced through a treaty system. The states take […]