Union of India & Ors. Vs. S.P. Verma
Service Law – Dismissal
Civil Appeal No.1955 of 2014 [Arising out of Special Leave Petition (Civil) No.18724 of 2008]-Decided on 11-2-2014.
The dispute in this appeal relates to the validity of an order dated 18.2.1998 of dismissal passed by the appellants against respondent. The dismissal came as a measure of punishment for proved misconduct on account of the respondent having occupied a parcel of land owned by the Indian Railways with whom the respondent was employed at the relevant point of time. …. Admittedly, the appeal preferred by the respondent-employee under Section 9 of Public Premises Eviction of Unauthorized Occupants Act, 1971 was pending when the punishment of dismissal was inflicted on respondent-employee and on that ground the Tribunal quashed the dismissal order but gave liberty to the Disciplinary Authority to restart the proceedings after the final outcome of the appeal or the other event mentioned therein. The High Court upheld the said order of the Tribunal and in our view it rightly did so and no interference is called for with the same...read more